Sorry for newbie question here, What happened is I wrote a series of code to process one .csv data frame.
Here is what code (sample version)looks like:
MyFile <- read.csv(tk_choose.files(caption = "Choose CSV files from directory",),header = TRUE)%>% #
Select Input CSV Data
write.csv(file = choose.files()) # Output As CSV File)
and here is what output looks like in the Output CSV file:
But now I need to apply those series of code to a list of .csv data instead of one.
I managed to use the code:
temp = tk_choose.files(caption = "Choose CSV files from directory",)
myfiles = lapply(temp, read.delim)
to import those .csv files as a list, but is there any way that I can apply the same code (ie.
) to all the .csv files in the list and combine the result together? (ie.
file1 658839755
file2 1541654313
file3 4643213843
Thank you
You can use lapply
over myfiles
and apply the same code to each file.
purrr::map(myfiles, ~.x %>% transmute(A)%>%
summarise_all(sum) %>%
write.csv(file = choose.files()))
However, this might be simpler
purrr::map(myfiles, ~.x %>% summarise(A = sum(A)) %>%
write.csv(file = choose.files())