I'm getting a JSON object with a key "sera:blah"
How would I deserialize that object into a python data type using the marshmallow library as that colon is an invalid property name?
So classes in python cannot accept a colon in the porperty name. It's invalid syntax.
Ideally I would like to have a workaround within marshmallow.
I see 2 routes you can take with this
first, and iterate through each property and replace all the malformed keys before feeding it to marshmallow, orJSON.JSONDecoder
class and roll your own object_hook
function. Then call the .decode()
function before feeding it to marshmallow.I've expanded on the latter (which I think is more appropriate)
from json import loads, JSONDecoder
s = """{
"obj1": 123,
"list": [
{"example2": 42},
{"sera:blah": false},
{"object:3": {"nest:ed": "obj"}}
data = loads(s)
def obj_transform(obj):
for key in obj.keys(): # Iterate through obj
if ':' in key:
obj[key.replace(':', '_')] = obj.pop(key)
return obj
decoder = JSONDecoder(object_hook=obj_transform)
The result of this prints:
{'obj1': 123, 'list': [{'example2': 42}, {'sera:blah': False}, {'object:3': {'nest:ed': 'obj'}}]}
{'obj1': 123, 'list': [{'example2': 42}, {'sera_blah': False}, {'object_3': {'nest_ed': 'obj'}}]}
Which seems like what you are looking for, to sanitize your input to marshmallow.