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Python: Interact Dropdown - how to reference the output

Hi I have below dropdown:

from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual 
import ipywidgets as widgets

def f(Books):
    return Books
interact(f, Books=['a','b','c','d']);

This populates a dropdown list allowing user to choose from a, b, c, d.

Let's say user chooses one of the four.

How do you reference the result?

I want to use the output of the dropdown as a variable in other formulas.


if Books = a:
x = 1+1


  • At the risk of recommending something that's generally terrible practice, I'd use a Global variable here. It's quick and easy, and given the interactive / prototyping nature of iPython, a lot of the usual arguments against global variables aren't super important.

    Basically, every time you change a variable on the input of the interact widget, f() is called. So you simply must update this variable inside the function:

    from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual 
    import ipywidgets as widgets
    myvar = ''
    def f(Books):
        global myvar
        myvar = Books
        return Books
    interact(f, Books=['a','b','c','d']);