I have the following sub/criteria:
var sq = DetachedCriteria.For<Title>()
.CreateAlias("Genres", "genre")
var q =
Projections.Alias(Projections.SqlFunction("array", null, Projections.SubQuery(sq)), "TopLevelGenre"),
Which results in the following SQL query:
SELECT array((SELECT this_0_.title as y0_
FROM title this_0_
inner join title_genre genres3_
on this_0_.title_id = genres3_.title_id
inner join genre genre1_
on genres3_.genre_id = genre1_.genre_id
WHERE genre1_.parent_id is null)) as y0_,
this_.title_id as y1_
FROM title this_
limit 5 /* :p1 */
How do I set it up so that my subquery uses the value of a property from the outer query? For example, I'd like for the subquery to filter by the title_id value. Is there anything in NHibernate that allows me to project a property value to the subquery?
Turns out I was close. All I had to do was create an alias for Title and use that in the Where clause of my subquery.
Title title = null;
c = Session
.QueryOver(() => title)
.SelectList(list => list
.Select(Projections.Alias(Projections.SqlFunction("array", null, Projections.SubQuery(sq.Where(tt => tt.Id == title.Id))), "TopLevelGenre"))
Hope that helps someone..