I have a String field with timestamp like this: "2020-01-13T07:34:25.804445Z". And i want to parse it to datetime (to use in Grafana filters, for example). But i getting this error:
SELECT SELECT "@timestamp" AS timestamp, CAST(timestamp AS DateTime) as datetime from table
Cannot parse string '2020-01-13T06:55:05.704Z' as DateTime: syntax error at position 19 (parsed just '2020-01-13T06:55:05').
I found variable date_time_input_format on documentation which "allows extended parsing". But it says that this setting doesn't apply to date and time functions. So how do i cast string date with timezone to DateTime?
SELECT parseDateTimeBestEffortOrNull('2020-01-13T07:34:25.804445Z')
│ 2020-01-13 07:34:25 │