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Problems with GroovyShell and propertyMissing()

I'm having problems using propertyMissing() together with GroovyShell

I have the files

 * @file FooScript.groovy
abstract class FooScript extends Script {

    def propertyMissing(String name) {
        "This is the property '$name'"

    def propertyMissing(String name, value) {
        println "You tried to set property '$name' to '$value'"


 * @file FooScriptTest.groovy

import org.codehaus.groovy.control.*

def fooScript = """\
                foo = 'bar'
                println foo"""

def conf = new CompilerConfiguration()
def sh = new GroovyShell(conf)

sh.evaluate fooScript

When I run FooScriptTest.groovy I expect the output

You tried to set property 'foo' to 'bar'

This is the property 'foo'

What I get is:


Seems my propertyMissing() is overridden by the default one. How do I prevent this?


  • use this instead

    abstract class BarScript extends Script {
      def getProperty(String name) {
        "This is the property '$name'"
      void setProperty(String name, value) {
        println "You tried to set property '$name' to '$value'"

    missingProperty methods are the last resource to catch a property access, tested only when everything else has failed.
    but groovy.lang.Script already implements the higher priority methods get/setProperty.
    so to catch a missing property, these are the methods you have to override in your subclass