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Determining position of anchor boxes in original image using downsampled feature map

From what I have read, I understand that methods used in faster-RCNN and SSD involve generating a set of anchor boxes. We first downsample the training image using a CNN and for every pixel in the downsampled feature map (which will form the center for our anchor boxes) we project it back onto the training image. We then draw the anchor boxes centered around that pixel using our pre-determined scales and ratios. What I dont understand is why dont we directly assume the centers of our anchor boxes on the training image with a suitable stride and use the CNN to only output the classification and regression values. What are we gaining by using the CNN to determine the centers of our anchor boxes which are ultimately going to be distributed evenly on the training image ?

To state more clearly -

Where will the centers of our anchor boxes be on the training image before our first prediction of the offset values and how do we decide those?


  • I think the confusion comes from this:

    What are we gaining by using the CNN to determine the centers of our anchor boxes which are ultimately going to be distributed evenly on the training image

    The network usually doesn't predict centers but corrections to a prior belief. The initial anchor centers are distributed evenly across the image, and as such don't fit the objects in the scene tightly enough. Those anchors just constitute a prior in the probabilistic sense. What your network will exactly output is implementation dependent, but will likely just be updates, i.e. corrections to those initial priors. This means that the centers that are predicted by your network are some delta_x, delta_y that adjust the bounding boxes.

    Regarding this part:

    why dont we directly assume the centers of our anchor boxes on the training image with a suitable stride and use the CNN to only output the classification and regression values

    The regression values should still contain sufficient information to determine a bounding box in a unique way. Predicting width, height and center offsets (corrections) is a straightforward way to do it, but it's certainly not the only way. For example, you could modify the network to predict for each pixel, the distance vector to its nearest object center, or you could use parametric curves. However, crude, fixed anchor centers are not a good idea since they will also cause problems in classification, as you use them to pool features that are representative of the object.