I have a confusion matrix that I want to plot as stacked bar chart with ggplot2
# confusion matrix
conf <- structure(c(3015, 672, 874, 3217, 0.224736436101826, 0.1727950629982
), .Dim = 2:3, .Dimnames = list(c("FALSE", "TRUE"), c("FALSE",
"TRUE", "class.error")))
# FALSE TRUE class.error
# FALSE 3015 874 0.2247364
# TRUE 672 3217 0.1727951
I tried reshaping it using tidyr
conf <- as.data.frame(rf$confusion)
conf$actual <- row.names(conf)
conf <- tidyr::pivot_longer(conf, c(`FALSE`, `TRUE`))
conf$prediction <- conf$name
and then plotting using:
ggplot(conf, aes(x = actual, fill = prediction)) + geom_bar(position = "fill")
actual output:
But there are several issues:
column of my confusion matrixgreen
for correctly predicated part and red
for incorrectly predicated partHow can I solve this?
Any help also in simplified approaches is appreciated..
By default, geom_bar() does count for stats, meaning it counts the number of TRUE/FALSE, which gives 1:1. So you can use geom_col() or geom_bar(stat="identity") instead
Try something like this:
g <- data.frame(conf[,1:2]) %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column("observed") %>%
pivot_longer(-observed,names_to = "predicted") %>%
ggplot() + geom_col(aes(x=observed,y=value,fill=predicted))
For really red / green:
#set the colors
# note you have FALSE. and TRUE. in your matrix
COLS = c("TRUE."="green","FALSE."="red")
g + scale_fill_manual(values = COLS)