Suppose you have result set such as:
DATE ID cost
01/01/2011 1 10
01/01/2011 1 10
01/01/2011 2 10
01/01/2011 2 10
I want a way to sum the values on cost but only once for every distinct ID so that when i group by date I get a result such as
DATE cost
01/01/2011 20
I first tried something like
sum(distinct cost)
but that of curse only returns 10 I also tried:
sum(case when distinct id then cost else 0 end)
but that is not a functional query.
I will assume that the same ID will always have the same cost in the same day. I will also assume your RDBMS supports derived tables. In that case, this is what you want:
select date, sum(cost)
(select distinct date, id, cost from YourTable)
group by date
Oracle derived tables do not require alias.