This might be a very stupid question but for the life of me I can't get it to work. I want to create a field in my table called "One" and it's value for all records in the table needs to be 1. E.G.
Field1 One A 1 B 1 C 1 . . .
I set the field to a number and tried the auto enter data and typed 1 in the data field but it's not updating the values.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance
Simply put, Auto Enter applies to when the record is first created. One can do various other options, but this is the basic use of Auto Enter on a field. You set the value to be auto-entered in the field's options panel under Manage Database; a fixed value, calculated value and so on. This works on all versions of FileMaker.
That said, if this is to be a static value of 1 for all records, you might want to look into a calculation field with a result of 1 and possibly using global storage. This will not work if you need the user to be able to change the value.