I'm writing a simple Sublime Text plugin to trim extra, unnecessary, spaces between words but without touching the leading spaces not to mess up Python formatting.
I have:
and want to get:
[spaces***are***still****here]if not regions and default_to_all:
Thinking about
regions = view.find_all('\w\s{2,}\w')
view.erase(edit, region)
but it cuts out the first and the last letter too.
For non-matching leading spaces implies you want to match multiple spaces following a non-space character (and replace it with single space), so you can replace (?<=\S) +(?=\S)
with single space "".
(?<=\S) +(?=\S)
(?<= Positive look-behind, which means preceded by...
\S non-space character
) end of look-behind group
+ more than 1 space
(?=\S) Positive look-ahead, which means followed by...
non-space character
end of look-ahead group
That should be straight-forward to understand. You may need to tweak it a bit for trailing space handling though.
See "regular expressions 101" for more information.
However, just as a side note regarding your intention: This is not going to be a reliable way to reformat code. Apart from leading spaces, there are still many cases of multiple-spaces that are significant. The most obvious one is spaces within string literal.