Am trying to make an R Shiny Flexdashboard that allows the user to utilise either a local Excel file or a downloaded Googlesheet, as a data source.
I have created an example here but I have used a local csv file to stand in place for the Googlesheets download component (using googlesheets in the example would be complicated).
The script above works (save this as an *.rmd file for it to run -it's a Flexdashboard).
However, my challenge is that I want the *csv upload (when the actionButton is pressed) to override the Excel file object (if it exists).
i.e instead of saving the csv to step_one_2 (as in the example), for it to override the step_one object (if it exists).
Is this possible? Many thanks in advance.
One way to achieve something like this (if I understand everything correctly) would be to use radioButtons
to let the user choose the input type. Then render a different input element dependent on user choice, and have a reactive that deals with the two different input file types appropriately. At the end, we are rendering a single table, either from excel or googlesheets file.
# let the user choose the type of input file
inputId = "what_source",
label = "Choose source file",
choices = c("googlesheets", "excel"),
inline = FALSE
# render file input widgets conditioned on user choice
conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.what_source == "googlesheets"',
fileInput("google_file", "Upload from csv", accept = ".csv")
conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.what_source == "excel"',
fileInput("excel_file", "Upload from excel", accept = ".xlsx")
# deal with the file selected by the user
what_file <- reactive({
if (input$what_source == "googlesheets") {
x <- readr::read_csv(input$google_file$datapath) %>% mutate(source = "csv")
} else {
x <- readxl::read_excel(input$excel_file$datapath) %>% mutate(source = "Excel")
# then in a different element downstream add the render function:
Update: Fetch csv at will, but change to excel input with checkbox:
Server logic:
# fetch updated csv data
actionButton("fetch", "Fetch new data")
checkboxInput("excel", label = "Get excel file", value = FALSE)
fetch_new <- eventReactive(input$fetch, {
conditionalPanel(condition = 'input.excel == true',
"Upload from excel",
accept = ".xlsx")
what_file <- reactive({
if (!input$excel) {
x <- fetch_new()
} else {
x <- readxl::read_excel(input$excel_file$datapath)