Is there a method in any native Java class to calculate how many days were/will be in a specific year? As in, was it a Leap year (366 days) or a normal year (365 days)?
Or do I need to write it myself?
I'm calculating the number of days between two dates, for example, how many days left until my birthday. I want to take into account the February 29 of Leap year. I have it all done except that 29th.
Days in a year:
LocalDate d = LocalDate.parse("2020-12-31"); // import java.time.LocalDate;
return d.lengthOfYear(); // 366
Days to my birthday:
LocalDate birth = LocalDate.parse("2000-02-29");
LocalDate today =; // or pass a timezone as the parameter
LocalDate thisYearBirthday = birth.withYear(today.getYear()); // it gives Feb 28 if the birth was on Feb 29, but the year is not leap.
LocalDate nextBirthday = today.isAfter(thisYearBirthday)
? birth.withYear(today.getYear() + 1)
: thisYearBirthday;
return DAYS.between(today, nextBirthday); // import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.DAYS;