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The ADB binary is obsolete and has serious performance problems with the Android Emulator (error)

Android Studio produces the following error:

The ADB binary at C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe is obsolete and has serious performance problems with the Android Emulator. Please update to a newer version to get significantly faster app / file transfer

I tried to check at: SDK Manager -> SDK Tools -> Android SDK Build-Tools (link to that answer). But the last update has been installed already.

P.S. I know, such a question already exists (link to that question), but there I can't write a solution that helped me, because I don't have enough reputation points. So, I'll write here the solution, maybe it will help someone...


  • The Android Studio should recheck SDK (it should help, at least it helped me)

    Go to:

    SDK Manager -> Android SDK Location: (Edit) -> Next -> Next -> Finish

    SDK Location doesn't have to be changed.