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SwiftUI - Change View variable based on input parameter

How do I change the @State variable size in a view based on the input parameter categorySize supplied when calling the view?

I'd like to change the size to 140 when categorySize == .Large and to 40 when categorySize == .Small.

enum ExampleEnum {
     case Large
     case Small

struct TestView: View {

   let categorySize: ExampleEnum
   @State private var size: CGFloat = 92

   var body: some View {
   Image(name: "TestImage")
      .frame(width: size, height: size)

TestView(categorySize: .Small)

I tried via an if-statement but this doesn't do the trick:

struct TestView: View {

   let categorySize: ExampleEnum
   @State private var size: CGFloat = 92

   var body: some View {

   if categorySize == .Large {      <=== Not working
      $size = 140
   } else if categorySize == .Small {
      $size = 40

   Image(name: "TestImage")
      .frame(width: size, height: size)

I am aware that I can pass the size parameter when calling the view. However, I'd like to only pass the categorySize and then have a view logic handle the size variable within the view.


  • Here is possible approach

    struct TestView: View {
        let categorySize: ExampleEnum
        var body: some View {
            var size: CGFloat  = 92
            if categorySize == .Large {
                size = 140
            } else if categorySize == .Small {
                size = 40
            return Image(name: "TestImage")
                .frame(width: size, height: size)