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Getting the wall coordinates from IFC file with XBIM

I need to get the list of vertices of IfcWall object using XBIM. The code i need must look something like:

using (model)
    List<ItemSet<IfcCartesianPoints>> loppsList = new List<ItemSet<IfcCartesianPoints>>();
    var walls = model.Instances.OfType<IfcWall>();

    foreach (var wall in walls)
        loppsList.Add(wall. ... .Points);

But i have no idea, how to get the proper way .

I tried the solution proposed here: IFC objects navigation to retrieve Wall coordinates

foreach (var wall in walls)
    var line = wall.Representation.Representations[0].Items[0];
    var _line  = line as IfcPolyline;

But i didn't get the proper data — maybe I just got lost in the path of attributes. Please help to navigate through the IfcWall attributes.


  • Ok, if someone in future will face the same question, the full way is:


    //this is how i print the x coordinates of all points
    using (model)
                var walls = model.Instances.OfType<IIfcWall>();
                foreach (var wall in walls)
                    var loop = wall.Representation.Representations[1].Items[0];
                    if (loop is IfcFacetedBrep)
                        var _loop = loop as IfcFacetedBrep;
                        foreach (var face in _loop.Outer.CfsFaces)
                            foreach (var bound in face.Bounds)
                                var _b = bound.Bound as IIfcPolyLoop;
                                foreach (var point in _b.Polygon)


    1. Representations[] element must be IfcFacetedBrep (if it is IfcBooleanClippingResult, then i have no idea what to do)

    2. Indexes of the Representations[], Items[] and other arrays are unknon

    3. Walls can be as IfcWall (IFC 4), as IIfcWall (IFC 2x3) and the navigation through this objects are different

    Do not use IFC.