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JAXB EclipseLink problem with marshalling CHOICE with nillable elements

I have a schema defined as this:

<complexType name="x">
        <element name="year" type="date"/>
                <element name="comuneNascita" type="string" nillable="true"/>
                <element name="statoNascita" type="string" nillable="true"/>

When I try to marshall the class generated with xjc ( with xjc:simple option ) and I get this result:

<statoNascita xsi:nil="true"/>

Removing nillable="true" solve this problem but then I have to specify a valid element ( not nilled ).

Any workaround?


  • You can avoid your problem by having a property annotated as follows:

       @XmlElement(name="comuneNascita", type=String.class),
       @XmlElement(name="statoNascita", type=String.class),

    You can get XJC to generate a property annotated as above using a JAXB bindings file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <bindings xmlns=""
        <globalBindings choiceContentProperty="true"/>

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