I know that an AsyncTask can be run only once. I know a way around that, but I need a variable from the AsyncTask that uses complicated(?) processes. This is my code for calling the AsyncTask
val thr=NewTask()
thr.delegate = this
button.setOnClickListener {
NewTask.doOnBackground() is just a normal method sending the request to the URL. onPostExecute() is a bit different:
public override fun onPostExecute(result: String?) {
with delegate being a variable of AsyncResponse? which is an interface containing processFinish abstract method taking a string and returning nothing.
My question is, how can I run the AsyncTask repeatedly while still getting the response? Thanks in advance.
Finally, I settled on using coroutines with this. Coroutines are easy to use, much easier than AsyncTask. I don't know why I was scared of them. Here is the code I used:
class CoRoutine{
suspend fun httpGet(url: String = "https://boogle.org"): String {
val arr = ArrayList<String>()
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val url = URL(url)
with(url.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection) {
requestMethod = "GET" // optional default is GET
inputStream.bufferedReader().use {
it.lines().forEach { line ->
arr.add(line as String)
return arr.get(0)