I am using Angular 8 with a NodeJS backend in a lab environment. I have a button in Angular which sends a value to the backend server using a POST request. When the value is received, the backend reaches out to an API server based on the value from the form which returns a status code in JSON which I need to use for conditionals in the frontend.
The Angular button logic looks like this:
this.form = this.fb.group({
ticket: [''],
const testTicket = this.form.value.ticket
submitForm() {
this.http.post('http://backend.com:8090/api/backendquery?testTicket='+ testTicket ,{}).subscribe (
(response) => {
if(response != 'failure') {
status = 'Success'
} else {
// if(response == null) {
status = 'Failed'
The backend code reaching out to the API server looks like this:
var cors = require('cors');
app.post('/api/backendquery', function(req, res){
I passed the credentials in the URL since the API server requires authentication.
I obtain the results successfully from Postman using the following URL:
However, when using the browser by submitting the value, I get the following error on console:
'http://backend.com:8090/api/backendquery?testTicket=12345' from origin 'http://frontend:4200' has been blocked by CORS policy: Redirect location '' contains a username and password, which is disallowed for cross-origin requests.
As you can see in the backend code, the CORS package is already enabled which should take care of CORS errors. I aware that credentials should not be present in URLs, however, what could be take best approach in my situation?
The answer was that instead of redirecting in the backend, the GET request was done using the "required" package and then saved to a variable which was then forwarded back to the frontend.