Renaud Bompuis pulled together some great code. I want to put in font changes (e.g. bold) on a field result within the Dialog.RichText
I'm trying to get the result of CaptureEmail
to be bold. The box just makes CaptureEmail
bold. The value doesn't show up. If I remove the <strong>
from the code, the email shows up, but not bold.
Private Sub Other_Email_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim ClickResult As VbMsgBoxResultEx
Dim CaptureEmail
Dim html
CaptureEmail = Me.Other_Email
If CaptureEmail = 0 Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf CaptureEmail > 0 Then
If ValidateEmail(Me.Other_Email) = False Then
ClickResult = Dialog.RichBox("The inputted e-mail " & _
<strong>[CaptureEmail]</strong> & _
" does not appear to be a valid Email_Address. " & "<p/>" & _
"Would you like to recheck it before adding it?", _
vbYesNo + vbCritical, "Invalid Entry", , , 0, False, False, False)
If (ClickResult = vbYes) Then
Cancel = True
ElseIf (ClickResult = vbNo) Then
Exit Sub
End If
ElseIf ValidateEmail(Me.Other_Email) = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub
The main issue with your code is the concatenation of the first argument supplied to the RichBox
"The inputted e-mail " & <strong>[CaptureEmail]</strong> & " does not appear to be a valid Email_Address. " & "<p/>" & _
"Would you like to recheck it before adding it?"
Since <strong>
& </strong>
are literal strings, they should be included as part of the content of the strings that are surrounded by double-quotes, e.g.:
"The inputted e-mail <strong>" & CaptureEmail & "</strong> does not appear to be a valid Email_Address. "
You also have some malformed HTML here:
Presumably, this should be:
"<p>The inputted e-mail <strong>" & CaptureEmail & "</strong> does not appear to be a valid Email_Address.</p>" & _
"<p>Would you like to recheck it before adding it?</p>"
You also seem to be mixing data types -
You initially assign the value of the form control Other_Email
to your variable CaptureEmail
CaptureEmail = Me.Other_Email
And you then treat CaptureEmail
as an integer:
If CaptureEmail = 0 Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf CaptureEmail > 0 Then
However, based on the content of the message box, it would imply that CaptureEmail
actually contains a string:
The inputted e-mail " & CaptureEmail & " does not appear to be a valid Email_Address.
A few other observations about your code:
If CaptureEmail = 0 Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf CaptureEmail > 0 Then
Given that you only wish to proceed when CaptureEmail
is greater than zero, only test is required:
If CaptureEmail > 0 Then
End If
Similarly, later in the code, you have the following:
If ValidateEmail(Me.Other_Email) = False Then
ElseIf ValidateEmail(Me.Other_Email) = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
Since ValidateEmail
returns a boolean value with only two possible values, it is not necessary to test both since if the return is not False
, then it must be True
and vice-versa.
As such, the code may become:
If Not ValidateEmail(Me.Other_Email) Then
End If
The same logic could be applied here:
If (ClickResult = vbYes) Then
Cancel = True
ElseIf (ClickResult = vbNo) Then
Exit Sub
End If
Since, for any result other than vbYes
, you aren't performing any action.