For the commands below:
virtualenv --system-site-packages `pwd`/.test
# load virtual environment
source `pwd`/.test/bin/activate
# install required python modules
# for some reason argparse is not included with credstash install but required at runtime :(
#PYPI_DNS is internal company DNS
pip install pip --upgrade -i ${PYPI_REPO} --quiet
pip install argparse==1.4.0 -i ${PYPI_REPO} --trusted-host ${PYPI_DNS} --quiet
pip install credstash==1.14.0 -i ${PYPI_REPO} --trusted-host ${PYPI_DNS} --quiet
This is sometimes work successfully.
However sometimes it will fail at the installation of argparse:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement argparse==1.4.0 (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for argparse==1.4.0
Then at other times, it will fail installing credstash:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement boto3>=1.1.1 (from credstash==1.14.0) (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for boto3>=1.1.1 (from credstash==1.14.0)
I cannot find the reason when it fails and when it succeeds.
Note that the commands above are from a file which is run as part of the EC2 UserData script - it works almost 90% during EC2 startup.
However, it works 10% of the time when I run the manually (the sh runs an ansible playbook after the credstash is installed - hence running manually is quicker way to test the playbook) while SSHing on the EC2 instance - the error switches between the 2 error messages I stated above. I am not python developer so it might be something I missing, please if you can point me to the right direction?
Most likely this intermittent failure can be due to slow response from your internal PYPI_REPO. To confirm it you can use -v
option in your pip install command, to increase the verbosity of pip output. You can then analyze the pip output to check where the failure occurs.
You can also set a larger timeout value using --timeout 60
option in your pip command. The default timeout value is 15 seconds. This timeout value can also be set via pip configuration file (%VIRTUAL_ENV%\pip.ini).
timeout = 60