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How to minify/uglify webworker bundles built with Angular in production

I need to use web-workers for heavy computation and Angular provides a convenient way to generate a web-worker in an application with the CLI command ng generate web-worker app.

The issue is, when built in production using ng build --prod, the generated web-worker bundle doesn't appear to be well optimized. I still can find whole variable, class or method names in the file, and some parts of the code is easy to read on the bundle, which struggles me.

Is there a way to better minify that code?


EDIT: To give an example, here is the content of app.worker.ts:

/// <reference lib="webworker" />
class MyClassName{
const myVariableName = new MyClassName()

And this can be found inside the worker.js file generated with ng build --prod

const myVariableName=new class{myMethodName(){}};postMessage(myVariableName.myMethodName())}});

the code is optimized but is still easy to read.

EDIT 2: typo


  • After some research, it seems like it's intended that webworker files, like service-worker files, are unminified.

    Minification can be made manually as explained here