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What is the (...) called in C and C++?

One of the uses of ... is to denote variadic entities in C and C++.

  • What is its name?

  • Is it classified as an operator or something else when used that way?

  • Any other details regarding ...?

Edit: I know the purpose of .... I am asking about its name and classification, which I hope, is similar in C and C++.


  • It is one of the punctuators.

    6.4.6  Punctuators
    Syntax punctuator:
         one of  [    ]    (    )    {   }    .    ->
                 ++   --   &    *    +   -    ~    !
                 /    %    <<   >>   <   >    <=   >=    ==   !=   ^   |   &&   ||
                 ?    :    ;    ...
                 =    *=   /=   %=   +=  -=   <<=  >>=   &=   ^=   |=
                 ,    #    ##
                 <:   :>   <%   %>   %:   %:%:

    In the function declaration it is called the ellipsis.

    Ellipsis is also used by some compiler C language extensions. Example - gcc switch/case range extension

    const char *test(unsigned num)
            case 0 ... 9:
                return "the value is in the 0 to 9 range";
            case 10 ... 99:
                return "the value is in the 10 to 99 range";
                return "out of tested range";