I am trying to plot the data for my leastsq model and equation as I keep getting shape errors. I'm just trying to guess the parameters that fit the data but I can't do that if I can't see the graphs.
Here is what I have so far:
from scipy.integrate import odeint
Import numpy as np
Import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
didata1 = np.loadtxt("diauxic1.txt")
time = didata1[:,0]
pop2 = didata1[:,1]
# model equations
def diauxic_ode(x,t,params):
r1,r2,k = params
y,S1,S2 = x
derivs = [r1*S1*y+(k/(k+S1))*r2*S2*y, -r1*S1*y, -(k/(k+S1))*r2*S2*y]
return derivs
# runs a simulation and returns the population size
def diauxic_run(pars,t):
r1,r2,k,y0,S10,S20 = pars
out = odeint(diauxic_ode, ode_starts, t, args=(ode_params,))
return out[:,0]
# residual function
def diauxic_resid(pars,t,data):
r1,r2,k,y0,S10,S20 = pars
out = odeint(diauxic_ode, ode_starts, t, args=(ode_params,))
return diauxic_run(pars,t)-data
p0 =[1,1,1,1,1,1]
lsq_out = leastsq(diauxic_resid, p0, args=(time,pop2))
The immediate error is the call diauxic_resid(p0,time,lsq_out[0])
and run
. That something is not right is already clear in having the initial point p0
in the arguments where you want to plot the adapted result.Thus replace with diauxic_run(lsq_out[0],time)
. Or even better, split the plot commands and increase the sample density for the curve
time = np.linspace(time[0], time[-1], len(time)*10-9)
plt.plot(time,diauxic_run(lsq_out[0], time))
from test data generated by
ptest = [0.5, 0.2, 20, 0.2,3.,1.5]
time = np.linspace(0,10,21);
pop2 = diauxic_run(ptest, time)+ np.random.randn(len(time))*0.01
leading to fitted parameters
lsq_out[0]: [ 0.23199391 0.5998453 20.67961621 0.19636029 2.16841159 2.32688635]