I'm trying to achieve an automatic resizing of different brand logos for a company website I'm designing, inside an Own Carousel. The idea is for each logo to be of reasonable size.
Most of the logos are in SVG formats, available at https://wetransfer.com/downloads/44eb123d186e30519edc2d025dafd03420200110231646/112373 (for a week) : as you would see, they have a wide range of height / width ratio, so using a fixed-width and enforcing the correct ratio made some of them (the CNRS and CEA logos) too high.
The goal (taken from a random site): The goal
What I got: What I got
My code (HTML, then CSS based on Bootstrap 4, then the JS snippet that uses owl-carousel):
<div class="site-section">
<div class="container">
<div class="row justify-content-center text-center mb-5">
<div class="col-md-5">
<h2 class="section-heading">Ils nous ont fait confiance</h2>
<div class="row justify-content-center text-center">
<div class="col">
<div class="owl-carousel clients-carousel">
<img src="./img/clients/airbus-group.svg" class="client-logo limit-width" />
<img src="./img/clients/safran-group.png" class="client-logo limit-width" />
<img src="./img/clients/cnrs-fr.svg" class="client-logo limit-height" />
<img src="./img/clients/cea-fr.svg" class="client-logo limit-height" />
<img src="./img/clients/bic.svg" class="client-logo limit-width" />
<img src="./img/clients/edf.svg" class="client-logo limit-width" />
<img src="./img/clients/horiba.svg" class="client-logo limit-width" />
<img src="./img/clients/jenoptec-group.svg" class="client-logo limit-width" />
<img src="./img/clients/otis.svg" class="client-logo limit-width" />
<img src="./img/clients/thales.svg" class="client-logo limit-width" />
.clients-carousel .owl-stage-outer, .clients-carousel .owl-stage, .clients-carousel .owl-item {
display: flex;
.clients-carousel .owl-item {
margin-left: 1rem;
margin-right: 1rem;
.clients-carousel .owl-item img.client-logo {
width: 15em;
height: auto;
var siteOwlCarousel = function() {
center: true,
items: 3,
loop: true,
margin: 0,
autoplay: true,
smartSpeed: 1000,
responsive: {
// breakpoint from 0 up
0 : {
items: 3
// breakpoint from 576 up
576 : {
items: 3
// breakpoint from 768 up
768 : {
items: 4,
center: false
992 : {
items: 4,
center: false
1200 : {
items: 4,
center: false
Would somebody have an idea that relies on Flexbox?
Thanks in advance!
Change .owl-wrapper display property and owl-item display, float, vertical-align properties and set to max- width & height size.
I hope below snippet will help you lot.
var siteOwlCarousel = function() {
center: true,
items: 3,
loop: true,
margin: 10,
autoplay: true,
smartSpeed: 1000,
nav: false,
dots: false,
autoWidth: true,
responsive: {
0 : {
items: 2
576 : {
items: 3
768 : {
items: 4
992 : {
items: 4
1200 : {
items: 4
.owl-carousel .owl-wrapper {
display: table!important;
.owl-carousel .owl-item {
display: table-cell!important;
float: none!important;
vertical-align: middle!important;
.clients-carousel .owl-item .item{
text-align: center!important;
padding: 15px 30px!important;
.clients-carousel .owl-item img{
max-width: 180px!important;
max-height: 50px!important;
display: inline-block!important;
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.4.1/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/popper.js@1.16.0/dist/umd/popper.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.4.1/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/OwlCarousel2/2.3.4/assets/owl.carousel.min.css">
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/OwlCarousel2/2.3.4/owl.carousel.min.js"></script>
<div class="site-section">
<div class="container">
<div class="row justify-content-center text-center mb-5">
<div class="col-md-5">
<h2 class="section-heading">Ils nous ont fait confiance</h2>
<div class="row justify-content-center text-center">
<div class="col">
<div class="owl-carousel clients-carousel">
<div class="item"><img src="./img/clients/airbus-group.svg"></div>
<div class="item"><img src="./img/clients/safran-group.png"></div>
<div class="item"><img src="./img/clients/cnrs-fr.svg"></div>
<div class="item"><img src="./img/clients/cea-fr.svg"></div>
<div class="item"><img src="./img/clients/bic.svg"></div>
<div class="item"><img src="./img/clients/edf.svg"></div>
<div class="item"><img src="./img/clients/horiba.svg"></div>
<div class="item"><img src="./img/clients/jenoptec-group.svg"></div>
<div class="item"><img src="./img/clients/otis.svg"></div>
<div class="item"><img src="./img/clients/thales.svg"></div>