I have a search page with lots of filter options, these options are all passed to the url as params on the search page (so it is possible to share a search). when going to a detail page for one row in the search result, then I are parsing the complete Url for the search result to the detail page as a parameter (detail/1?returnUrl=%2Fsearch%2Fresults%3Fsw%3D%26n%3D%26ee%3D2%26a....), to make it possible to go back (on the detail page there are some tabs that is navigate to with routerlink, so I can't use any history back for navigating back to the search result).
The questions is, I have a complete URL on my detail page (eg. /search/result?a=1&b=people&c=8&d=all&p1=1), how do I navigate to that url?
If I put it in a routerlink="/search/result?a=1&b=people&c=8&d=all&p1=1" it isn't working.
Thanks very much in advance :)
I have tried the following, but it is not working:
public goBack() {
const returnUrl = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.queryParamMap.get('returnUrl');
const array1 = returnUrl.split('?');
const array = array1[1].split('&');
let parameters = '';
array.forEach(param => {
const param1 = param.split('=');
parameters += `${param1[0]}:'${param1[1]}',`;
this.router.navigate([array1[0]], { queryParams: {parameters} });
It writes the following link in the URL:
EDIT: Answer to your updated question
the method navigate
in Angulars router accepts Params
as argument for the property queryParams - not a string.
public goBack() {
const returnUrl = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.queryParamMap.get('returnUrl');
const array1 = returnUrl.split('?');
const array = array1[1].split('&');
let parameters = {};
array.forEach(param => {
const param1 = param.split('=');
parameters[param1[0]] = param1[1];
this.router.navigate([array1[0]], { queryParams: parameters });
Below: Answer to question as it previous was formulated
Query parameters should be passed in their own property.
Check the examples at https://angular.io/api/router/RouterLink#description
<a [routerLink]="['/search/result']" [queryParams]="{ 'a': 1, 'b': 'people', 'c': 8, 'd': 'all', 'p1': 1}">