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SQL Constraints are not running in Odoo 11


I have the following model myModel:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from odoo import models, fields, api

class myModel(models.Model):
    _name = 'myproject.myModel'

    name= fields.Char('Name', size=9, required=True)
    startDate = fields.Datetime('Start date',required=True)
    endDate= fields.Datetime('End date',required=True)

    _sql_constraints = [('date_constraint', 'CHECK((endDate > startDate))', 'End date must be later than start date')]

The problem is that the sql constraints are not making anything. I have tried:

  • Not using demo data.
  • Update module
  • Full restart Odoo (postgresql included)
  • Use New database
  • Also I tried with other _sql_constraints like: _sql_constraints = [('name_constraint', 'UNIQUE((name))', 'Name must be unique.')]


The problem was that the field contained uppercase and it seems that the sql_constraint converts everything to lowercase, so that field was not found in the database. So I convert startDate to startdate and endDate to enddate.


  • Welcome! Thanks for posting a good question with all needed details. 😁

    You need to update the addon.

    If still it doesn't work, check the logs. Odod will fail to install a SQL constraint if any preexisting record violates it. In such case, it will log a WARNING. Delete or fix that record and upgrade the module again.