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How should I create a list that'll be returned when method is called and it contains two lists, each one contains four tuples?

I created a method that has two lists; each one has four tuples, and I want the two lists to be returned when the method is called. I tried creating a new list to do so, but it can't accept a tuple into a list. Is there a way to convert a tuple into a list?

How should I create a list that'll be returned when method is called and it contains two lists, each one contains four tuples?

Below is a code similar to what I'm working on: *Note: the reason I needed to use tuples is to be able to access and display them using XAML.

var listStudents1 = new List<Tuple<string, string, string>>


               Tuple.Create("A", "Roya Taymoor", "USA"),

               Tuple.Create("B", "Michael Stevens", "UK" ),

               Tuple.Create("C", "Steve Barnes", "UK" )

var listStudnets2 = new List<Tuple<string, string, string>>


               Tuple.Create("C", "Liam Cook", "USA"),

               Tuple.Create("D", "Arianda Reggi", "France" ),

               Tuple.Create("E", "Amy Ronald", "UK" )

StudentsLists.Add(listStudents1); //StudentsLists is a previously defnded property/list in the class that accepts string. 
return StudentsLists;  


  • Just use List<whateverYouWantToReturn> in your case like this below one.

    public  List<List<Tuple<string, string, string>>> GetStudents(){
        var listStudents1 = new List<Tuple<string, string, string>>
        Tuple.Create("A", "Roya Taymoor", "USA"),
        Tuple.Create("B", "Michael Stevens", "UK" ),
        Tuple.Create("C", "Steve Barnes", "UK" )
    var listStudnets2 = new List<Tuple<string, string, string>>
      Tuple.Create("C", "Liam Cook", "USA"),
      Tuple.Create("D", "Arianda Reggi", "France" ),
      Tuple.Create("E", "Amy Ronald", "UK" )
        var result = new  List<List<Tuple<string, string, string>>>();
        return result;