After a lengthy troubleshooting process I finally got RStudio to connect to my works Oracle database using the instant client. The motivation to do this was to use dbplyr to do most of my querying. However, I am unable to send any queries through dbplyr as all the column and table names are very long and result in ORA-00972: identifier is too long.
test <- tbl(con, "long_shcema_name.very_long_and_descriptive_name") %>%
Error: nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:1617: 42000: [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00972: identifier is too long
FROM ("long_shcema_name.very_long_and_descriptive_name") "zzz7"
WHERE (0 = 1)'
I thought the issue was driver related. My work uses Oracle 12.2 which has a larger cap for identifiers, but dbGetQuery works fine over instantclient
select "a_column"
This gives me the desired results.
I'm a little irked. It took me almost three weeks to get the odbc connection set up with my works database using the instant client. I was able to query using RODBC and ROracle from the get go, but wanted to use dplyr. It ended up not working and I don't have a whole lot of juice left to figure out why. Any help would be immensely appreciated at this point.
The issue is most likely not long file names (unless your table names are longer than 30 characters, see here) but the use of a schema. Oracle can use double quotes to identify database, schema and table names (ref). Square brackets are sometimes used for this purpose too (ref).
Take a look at the SQL that produces the error message:
FROM ("long_schema_name.very_long_and_descriptive_name") "zzz7"
WHERE (0 = 1)
This is most likely being interpreted as:
Instead of as:
As @Wil comments you can address this with the in_schema
function. If you try:
test <- tbl(con, in_schema("long_schema_name","very_long_and_descriptive_name") %>%
Then show_query(test)
should return:
FROM ("long_schema_name"."very_long_and_descriptive_name") "zzz7"
WHERE (0 = 1)
Note how this differs from the first query by the addition of double quotes either side of the full stop.