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Cypress - How can I run test files in order

When I press the "run all specs" button or use the run command that runs all files in Cypress it runs all test files alphabetically, so I don't want that.

I want to sort all of them with my own rules.

Let's say I have 3 steps in a chat app test.

  1. Can connect the chat app
  2. Can connect the chat
  3. Can the user send a message

I want to test every step without being tied to each other. What I mean, Testing one of their own function. What I do is as follows


describe('Server Connecting Test', () => {
    it('Visit Server page', () => {

    it('Check welcome messages', () => {
        cy.contains('Live Support');
        cy.contains('Hello, Stranger');

    it('Check URL and status of circle', () => {
        // URL
            .should('include', '/hello');
        // Status Circle    
            .should('have.class', 'positive');


import './chat_app_connect.spec.js';

describe('Chat Connecting Test', () => {
    it('Type customer name', () => {
            .type('E2E Test');
    it('Click to the submit button', () => {
    it('Check URL and status of circle', () => {
        // URL
            .should('equal', '');
        // Status Circle
        cy.get('circle', { timeout: 5000 })
            .should('have.class', 'positive');


import './chat_connect.spec.js';

describe('Chatting Tests', () => {
    it('Type a test message then press Enter and check the message if it sent', () => {
        // Type
            .type('Hey I\'m a test message{enter}');
        // Check the message
            .should('contain', 'Hey I\'m a test message');

as you see every test is tied to each other, and that is mean when I tried to test just catting functionality its call every test and the whole tests will be tested.

I don't know if it is the right way or not.

what should I do in this case or can it be an acceptable way


  • I have a particular case where I launch multiple instances of an app, rather than using fixtures or test data, I simply integrate user feedback as Cypress tests from login on forwards.

    In any case, I used the specPattern configuration property in cypress.json to set the spec file run order:

      "baseUrl": "http://localhost:5000",
      "specPattern": [

    No file numbering needed :D

    This configuration property was added in version 10, see also: