As part of my Computer Software Development degree, one of my labs consists of creating a calculator class template and a fraction class.
The problem is with my fraction class. My task is now to overload the plus operator to allow two fractions to be added together.
#include "Fraction.h"
const Fraction Fraction::operator+ (const Fraction &rhs) const
return Fraction(_num * rhs.GetDen() + (rhs.GetNum() * _den), _den * rhs.GetDen());
#pragma once
class Fraction
Fraction(const int &num, const int &den) : _num(num), _den(den) {}
~Fraction(void) {}
const int GetNum(void) { return _num; }
const int GetDen(void) { return _den; }
const Fraction operator+ (const Fraction &rhs) const;
const int _num, _den;
Visual Studio complains that my fraction accessors cannot 'convert this pointer from const fraction to fraction &'. I'm completely baffled.
You need to qualify your accessors as const too:
int GetNum(void) const { return _num; }
BTW, qualifying the return type as const int does not really make sense, it will be an int anyway. Your compiler should emit a warning.