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Pandas groupby and weighted sum for multiple columns

I've see a dozen Pandas groupby multiple columns questions, but I'm at a loss on how to get this to run in a reasonable time. My goal is to groupby a few columns, and with the resulting subset apply across each remaining column against my weights:

# Example data:
weights = np.array([.20, .60, .20])
data = pd.DataFrame([[0, "TX", 10, 55], [0, "TX", 5, 30], [0, "TX", 2, 75], [1, "TX", 4, 30], [1, "TX", 8, 100], [1, "TX", 2, 30]], columns=["sim", "state", "x1", "x2"])

   sim state  x1   x2
0    0    TX  10   55
1    0    TX   5   30
2    0    TX   2   75
3    1    TX   4   30
4    1    TX   8  100
5    1    TX   2   30

I couldn't get to work out of the box, so I had to break the multiplication and summation into separate steps. Here's what i've tried, but on my dataset of a few million rows this takes ~2 minutes, not to mention being pretty unreadable:

results = data.groupby(["sim", "state"]).apply(lambda sdf: (sdf[["x1", "x2"]] * weights.reshape((3,1))).sum())

   sim state   x1    x2
0    0    TX  5.4  44.0
1    1    TX  6.0  72.0


  • How about...

    (df.set_index(['sim', 'state'])
       .mul(np.tile(weights, len(df) // len(weights)), axis=0)
       .sum(level=[0, 1]))
                x1    x2
    sim state           
    0   TX     5.4  44.0
    1   TX     6.0  72.0

    How this works,

    • set the index to whatever should not be multiplied (df's primary keys, essentially)
    • use mul to perform broadcasted multiplication with the weights
    • group on the indices and sum the weighted values.

    This works under the assumption that len(df) % len(weights) == 0.