Search code examples

How to append metadata to a grouped selection by primary key

I have a list of favorites like:

Sample Data

| key | item_id | list_name |  customer_id |meta           |
| 1   | A-11    | aa11      | 001          | unique-data-1 |
| 2   | A-11    | bb22      | 001          | unique-data-2 |
| 3   | A-26    | cc33      | 001          | unique-data-3 |
| 4   | A-28    | aa11      | 002          | unique-data-4 |
| 5   | J-52    | aa11      | 001          | unique-data-5 |
| 6   | X-53    | aa11      | 001          | unique-data-6 |

Desired Output

for @item_id nvarchar(20) = 'A-11'

| key | isFavorited | list_name | meta          |
| 1   | Y           | aa11      | unique-data-1 | 
| 2   | Y           | bb22      | unique-data-2 |
| 3   | N           | cc33      | unique-data-3 |

And would like to return a selection of all available lists, as well as whether or not a particular item is part of that list, with its meta data.

declare @item_id nvarchar(20) = 'A-11'
declare @customer_id nvarchar(20) = 001

[isFavorited] = max(case when [item_id] = @item_id then 'Y' else 'N' end)
from favorites
where customer_id = @customer_id
group by [list_name], [key], [meta]

Issues when trying various methods:

  1. The issue I'm having is that since the meta is unique the group by destroys the uniqueness of the select

  2. A cross apply like the following doesn't apply the correct meta based on a matching key.

    cross apply (
      select top 1 
      from favorites
       where customer_id = @customer_id
  3. When selecting by row number, the actual key to join back to is lost, so I'm unable to join the meta.

    "noRow" = row_number() over(order by h_po_no asc)

I'd like to

  1. Pass in an item_id and customer_id
  2. Return all lists for that customer
  3. Get favorite status for each list of passed in item_id
    • An item is flagged favorite if it matches both list_name and item_id for a given customer_id
  4. Get row primary key and meta data

How can I return a distinct selection of list_name, isFavorite status, key, and it's meta?


  • Test Parameters

    declare @item_id nvarchar(20) = 'A-11'
    declare @customer_id nvarchar(20) = 001


    drop table if exists #tmp
    ;with cte as (
      [rn] = row_number() over (partition by list_name order by list_name desc)
      from favorites
      where customer_id = @customer_id
      group by [list_name], [key], [meta]
    select *
    into #tmp
    from cte
    where [rn] = 1
    from #tmp #t
    inner join (
      [isFavorited] = max(case when [item_id] = @item_id then 'Y' else 'N' end)
      from favorites
      where customer_id = @customer_id
      group by [list_name]
    ) j 
    on j.list_name = #t.list_name