Search code examples

python create string variable based on a another string variable (contains)

I have a messy string variable containing stage information, I want to create a cleaner string with fewer groups. The current dataframe looks like this:

cohort = pd.DataFrame({'stage_group': ['XXX Stage I', 'Stage II XXX', 'Stage III XXX', 'XX Stage IV XXX', 'NA']},index=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

My ideal variable is 3 levels: Stage I-III, Stage IV and unknown:

cohort2 = pd.DataFrame({'stage_group': ['XXX Stage I', 'Stage II XXX', 'Stage III XXX', 'XX Stage IV XXX','NA'],'stage': ['Stage I', 'Stage II', 'Stage III', 'Stage IV', 'Unknown']},index=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

I tried the following codes but they did not assign group correctly (I just got Stage I-III and unknown). Any suggestions would be helpful.

searchfor = ['Stage I', 'Stage II', 'Stage III']

cohort['stage'] ='|'.join(searchfor)), "Stage I-III",
        'Stage IV'), "Stage IV", "Unkown"))


  • Code works for me if I change order because Stage IV contains also Stage I so Stage IV has to be checked before Stage I

    import pandas as pd
    data = {'stage_group': '''XXX Stage I 
    Stage II XXX
    Stage III XXX
    XX Stage IV XXX
    cohort = pd.DataFrame(data)
    searchfor = ['Stage I', 'Stage II', 'Stage III']
    cohort['stage'] ='Stage IV'), "Stage IV",
             cohort.stage_group.str.contains('|'.join(searchfor)), "Stage I-III", "Unkown"))


    0     XXX Stage I 
    1     Stage II XXX
    2    Stage III XXX
    3  XX Stage IV XXX
    4               NA
           stage_group        stage
    0     XXX Stage I   Stage I-III
    1     Stage II XXX  Stage I-III
    2    Stage III XXX  Stage I-III
    3  XX Stage IV XXX     Stage IV
    4               NA       Unkown