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(Speed Challenge) Any faster method to calculate distance matrix between rows of two matrices, in terms of Euclidean distance?

First of all, this is NOT the problem of calculating Euclidean distance between two matrices.

Assuming I have two matrices x and y, e.g.,

x <- matrix(rnorm(15), ncol=5)
y <- matrix(rnorm(20), ncol=5)


> x
           [,1]       [,2]      [,3]       [,4]       [,5]
[1,] -0.6264538  1.5952808 0.4874291 -0.3053884 -0.6212406
[2,]  0.1836433  0.3295078 0.7383247  1.5117812 -2.2146999
[3,] -0.8356286 -0.8204684 0.5757814  0.3898432  1.1249309

> y
            [,1]       [,2]        [,3]       [,4]        [,5]
[1,] -0.04493361 0.59390132 -1.98935170 -1.4707524 -0.10278773
[2,] -0.01619026 0.91897737  0.61982575 -0.4781501  0.38767161
[3,]  0.94383621 0.78213630 -0.05612874  0.4179416 -0.05380504
[4,]  0.82122120 0.07456498 -0.15579551  1.3586796 -1.37705956

Then I want to get distance matrix distmat of dimension 3-by-4, where the element distmat[i,j] is the value from norm(x[1,]-y[2,],"2") or dist(rbind(x[1,],y[2,])).

  • My code
distmat <- as.matrix(unname(unstack(within(idx<-expand.grid(seq(nrow(x)),seq(nrow(y))), d <-sqrt(rowSums((x[Var1,]-y[Var2,])**2))), d~Var2)))

which gives

> distmat
         [,1]     [,2]     [,3]     [,4]
[1,] 3.016991 1.376622 2.065831 2.857002
[2,] 4.573625 3.336707 2.698124 1.412811
[3,] 3.764925 2.235186 2.743056 3.358577

but I don't think my code is elegant or efficient enough when with x and y of large number of rows.

  • Objective

I am looking forward to a much faster and more elegant code with base R for this goal. Appreciated in advance!

  • Benchmark Template (in updating)

For your convenience, you can use the following for benchmark to see if your code is faster:

x <- matrix(rnorm(15000), ncol=5)
y <- matrix(rnorm(20000), ncol=5)
# my customized approach
method_ThomasIsCoding_v1 <- function() {
  as.matrix(unname(unstack(within(idx<-expand.grid(seq(nrow(x)),seq(nrow(y))), d <-sqrt(rowSums((x[Var1,]-y[Var2,])**2))), d~Var2)))
method_ThomasIsCoding_v2 <- function() {
  `dim<-`(with(idx<-expand.grid(seq(nrow(x)),seq(nrow(y))), sqrt(rowSums((x[Var1,]-y[Var2,])**2))),c(nrow(x),nrow(y)))
method_ThomasIsCoding_v3 <- function() {
  `dim<-`(with(idx1<-list(Var1 = rep(1:nrow(x), nrow(y)), Var2 = rep(1:nrow(y), each = nrow(x))), sqrt(rowSums((x[Var1,]-y[Var2,])**2))),c(nrow(x),nrow(y)))
# approach by AllanCameron
method_AllanCameron <- function()
  `dim<-`(sqrt(rowSums((x[rep(1:nrow(x), nrow(y)),] - y[rep(1:nrow(y), each = nrow(x)),])^2)), c(nrow(x), nrow(y)))
# approach by F.Prive
method_F.Prive <- function() {
  sqrt(outer(rowSums(x^2), rowSums(y^2), '+') - tcrossprod(x, 2 * y))
# an existing approach by A. Webb from
method_A.Webb <- function() {
  euclidean_distance <- function(p,q) sqrt(sum((p - q)**2))

bm <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  # method_A.Webb(),
  unit = "relative",
  check = "equivalent",
  times = 10

such that

Unit: relative
                       expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
 method_ThomasIsCoding_v1() 9.471806 8.838704 7.308433 7.567879 6.989114 5.429136    10
 method_ThomasIsCoding_v2() 4.623405 4.469646 3.817199 4.024436 3.703473 2.854471    10
 method_ThomasIsCoding_v3() 4.881620 4.832024 4.070866 4.134011 3.924366 3.367746    10
      method_AllanCameron() 5.654533 5.279920 4.436071 4.772527 4.184927 3.157814    10
           method_F.Prive() 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000    10


  • method_XXX <- function() {
      sqrt(outer(rowSums(x^2), rowSums(y^2), '+') - tcrossprod(x, 2 * y))
    Unit: relative
                           expr       min        lq     mean    median        uq      max
     method_ThomasIsCoding_v1() 12.151624 10.486417 9.213107 10.162740 10.235274 5.278517
     method_ThomasIsCoding_v2()  6.923647  6.055417 5.549395  6.161603  6.140484 3.438976
     method_ThomasIsCoding_v3()  7.133525  6.218283 5.709549  6.438797  6.382204 3.383227
          method_AllanCameron()  7.093680  6.071482 5.776172  6.447973  6.497385 3.608604
                   method_XXX()  1.000000  1.000000 1.000000  1.000000  1.000000 1.000000