Despite there are many posts with a similar topic, I couldn't find anyone matching my case that I briefly describe here. This is the testing script
if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
require 'DashboardBase.php';
class Hello extends CI_Controller {
public function message($to = 'World')
echo "Hello {$to}!".PHP_EOL;
print "Hello {$to}!".PHP_EOL;
log_message('error',"Hello {$to}!".PHP_EOL);
The web server is under a shared hosting; it is used cPanel; Codeigniter is used.
The external URL that works properly is this:
I have activated the cronjob output notification on my personal email and it can be noted that I also save the output in an error log.
Here my cronjob definition attempts
(as suggested by CodeIgniter manual): /usr/local/bin/php public_html/adminPanel hello message "federico" --> no email notification; no output in the 'error' log
small modification, added a "/": /usr/local/bin/php public_html/adminPanel/ hello message "federico" --> no email notification; no output in the 'error' log
(supposed wrong in advance, but let's try) /usr/local/bin/php public_html/adminPanel/hello message "federico" --> email notification reporting "Could not open input file: public_html/adminPanel/hello"; nothing in 'error' log
(supposed wrong in advance, but let's try) /usr/local/bin/php public_html/adminPanel/hello.php message "federico" --> no email notification, in 'error' log "ERROR - 2020-01-10 16:09:25 --> 404 Page Not Found: Hellophp/message"
full real disk path: notification email reporting "No direct script access allowed"
Basically, the first two attempts supposed correct generate nothing even no errors. Any ideas?
You are not running it correctly, here is how to run a function in codeigniter through CLI.
Please try this
php /usr/local/bin/php public_html/adminPanel/index.php Hello message "federico"
All function calls must go through index.php
php /path_to_project_root/index.php ControllerName function "argument"