So, I've used winForms .CreateGraphics to draw a variety of different things, from lines to boxes to images. It was very snappy and responsive.
I am trying to learn WPF in C#
I found that WPF allows me to "add" rectangle objects to a canvas which will display them properly. HOWEVER, I am drawing hundreds of thousands of rectangles at times, and the draw rate can become exceedingly slow, and the UI becomes less snappy when I move even 1 of the rectangles.
Painting directly onto an element in winForms was not very fast, but it was consistent regardless of how much I painted.
Is there a similar solution to doing this in WPF?
I tried adding a linq to System.Drawing
, which gave me a Graphics
object, but none of the wpf elements i tried have the .CreateGraphics()
You would need to create a control that overrides OnRender and do your drawing in there. There isn't a way for you to draw onto another control, but a control can draw itself.
Also, keep in mind that WPF uses retained graphics, so if you change something you need to invalidate the visual as needed.
Something like:
public class MyControl : Control {
public MyControl() {
this.Rects = new ObservableCollection<Rect>();
// TODO: attach to CollectionChanged to know when to invalidate visual
public ObservableCollection<Rect> Rects { get; private set; }
protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc) {
SolidColorBrush mySolidColorBrush = new SolidColorBrush();
mySolidColorBrush.Color = Colors.LimeGreen;
Pen myPen = new Pen(Brushes.Blue, 10);
foreach (Rect rect in this.Rects)
dc.DrawRectangle(mySolidColorBrush, myPen, rect);