With the help of Exchange Web Services we're trying to move a mail to a specific folder and then mark it as read. To do this we use the following code:
Write-Verbose "Move mail to '$('\PowerShell\' + $SQLTickets.ScriptName)'"
$DestinationPathID = Find-MailboxFolderIDHC @FindMailParams -Path ('\PowerShell\' + $SQLTickets.ScriptName)
$Mail.Move($DestinationPathID) | Out-Null
Write-Verbose 'Mark mails as read'
$Mail.IsRead = $true
When I check the result of this action the mail is indeed correctly moved to the folder en has the IsRead
property set to True
. However, this is not visible in MS Outlook, it's still not marked as Read
When it hits this line:
It throws the follwing error which I can't seem to fix:
Exception calling "Update" with "1" argument(s): "The specified object was not found in the store."
Mark it read first, then move it like this:
$Mail.IsRead = $true