I setup two Mocks in two different It '' blocks for a IIS Method Get-IISSite...
The problem I ran into is those two it's pass, but when I try to do a regular test that doesn't use the mock (its a new 'it' in the same 'context) the method returns the mocks even in separate Its. I read some documentation on another page suggesting that Mocks are available to parent (same context)
This concerns me a bit, because I was hoping to find a mechanism to dispose of the mock once its no longer needed inside the It to restore it. Is it necessary to have non mocks of the same function in a separate describe and or context? (It certainly appears that way)
Code as follows:
Wrote a method to wrap around the empty call to Get-IISSite
### Get all IIS website collection
function IIS-SiteGetAll() {
$sites = Get-IISSite
if ($sites.Length -eq 0 -or $sites -eq $null) {
throw 'No IIS Sites found, please check that IIS is installed and service is running.'
return $sites
Snippet of the Test
Describe 'IIS Site Methods' {
Context 'IIS-SiteGetAll (mocked)' {
It 'Throws error if number of sites returned is 0' {
# Get-IISSite is the Powershell ISS command, we want it to return an empty collection
Mock -CommandName Get-IISSite {
return @()
{ IIS-SiteGetAll } | Should Throw
It 'Throws error if number of sites returned is $null' {
# Get-IISSite is the Powershell ISS command, we want it to return an empty collection
Mock -CommandName Get-IISSite {
return $null
{ IIS-SiteGetAll } | Should Throw
It 'Returns collection of sites' { #IIS-SiteGetAll fails because it points to one of the two Mocks in the It above
$actual = IIS-SiteGetAll
$actual | Should -BeOfType [Microsoft.Web.Administration.Site]
$actual.Length | Should -BeGreaterThan 0
Context 'IIS-SiteGetAll' {
It 'Returns collection of sites' { # This separate chain exact same test passes.
$actual = IIS-SiteGetAll
$actual | Should BeOfType [Microsoft.Web.Administration.Site]
$actual.Length | Should -BeGreaterThan 0
Note powershell is a bit fuzzy because if you do GetType on actual for the second one it shows as Object[] with BaseType of System.Array (but that fails) only the [Microsoft.Web.Administration.Site] output class seems to work which matches documentation here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/iisadministration/get-iissite?view=win10-ps
I'm not aware of another way around this, but I had to find the answer in a blog, not in Pester's documentation.
Submitting as an answer as OP says it's what he ended up doing:
Granted I don't normally create a Mock
in the It
block; I'd do what you have done here and create a separate Context
for it.
There is an AfterEach
block you can use in Pester that will run after each It
block but you'd need to know how to remove a Mock first to use that...