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How to start json-server with webpack?

I use webpack with my frontend project and I also use json-server as a backend.

Now I separately start json-server and the frontend project. It is not convenient to do so always.

Is there a way to somehow configure webpack that it could start json-server itself before running the project?


  • I'm not sure about configuring webpak-dev-server to start json-server but my approach was to use concurrently to launch json-server and webpack-dev-server in parallel from my package.json file.

    1. Add concurrently as a dev dependency
      yarn add concurrently --dev
    2. Configure package.json to launch both json-server and webpack-dev-server
      "scripts": {
        "start": "concurrently --kill-others \"yarn start-json-server\" \"yarn start-webpack-dev-server\"",
        "start-json-server": "json-server --watch ./src/demo/db.json --port 3030",
        "start-webpack-dev-server": "webpack-dev-server --config ./src/demo/webpack.config.js --open",
    3. Start developing
      yarn start
