In my table I have entries ordered by a timestamp
. I want to return a single entry that has the highest timestamp
This works:
SELECT max(`timestamp`) FROM `messages`
However, it returns just the timestamp
value. So I try to select the message
value too:
SELECT max(`timestamp`), `message` FROM `messages`
I get this error:
In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #2 of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column 'database.messages.message'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
So I add a GROUP BY:
SELECT max(`timestamp`), `message` FROM `messages`
GROUP BY `message`
However this just ends up returning every value in the table.
I understand GROUP BY is supposed to unify identical entries, I just have absolutely no clue why I'm forced to use it in this situation and how to just get the latest entryrather than all of them.
I want to return a single entry that has the highest timestamp.
Don't aggregate. You can sort and limit instead:
select * from messages order by timestamp desc limit 1