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How to safely force unwrap time in dictionary

I have an issue. I have a dictionary type [String: Any]

my code that works is

dict["start"] = "\(start.hour!):\(start.minute!)"
if let end = end {
    dict["end"] = "\(end.hour!):\(end.minute!)"

But as I use swiftlint it throws me an error for force unwrapping. Value must be saved so if let is not good here :)


  • that is mostly a semantic issue, but you could do something like this:

    if let startHour = start.hour,
       let startMinute = start.minute {
        dict["start"] = "\(startHour):\(startMinute)"
        if let end = end,
           let endHour = end.hour,
           let endMinute = end.minute {
           dict["end"] = "\(endHour):\(endMinute)"

    ...or something similar – as there are various ways in Swift to safely unwrap an optional.