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Session Fixation and Session Scoped Beans in JSF 2.3 with CDI

It's a common best practice to renew the HTTP session when logging in a user. This will force a new session ID, avoiding session fixation vulnerabilities.

Is there a preferred pattern for implementing this with CDI when @SessionScoped beans are involved? The difficulty is that by invalidating the current HTTP session, you'll then get a different session-scoped bean with the next request, but not until the next request.

For example, assume a session bean for storing user login information:

public class SessionBean implements Serializable {
    private int userId;
    private String username;
    private List<String> privileges;

    // Accessors omitted 

And another bean for managing the login:

public class LoginBean implements Serializable {

    private String username;
    private String password;
    @Inject private SessionBean session;
    @Inject private SessionManager sessionManager;
    @Inject private PrivilegeManager privilegeManager;      

    public String doLogin() {
        String destinationUrl;

        if (validate(username, password)) {
            FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

            // force renewal of HTTP session

            // retrieve new session bean  ** No longer works with CDI **
            Application app = context.getApplication();
            session = app.evaluateExpressionGet(context, "#{sessionbean}", SessionBean.class);


            destinationUrl = createLandingPageUrl();

        } else {
            destinationUrl = createFailureUrl("Unknown user or password");

        return destinationUrl;

With Managed Beans this would retrieve a new SessionBean, but with CDI, the code above would just return the same SessionBean. Any recommendations or clever ideas?


  • The difficulty is that by invalidating the current HTTP session, you'll then get a different session-scoped bean with the next request, but not until the next request.

    Then don't invalidate the session, but change the session ID. In other words, don't use HttpSession#invalidate(), but use HttpServletRequest#changeSessionId() (new since Servlet 3.1, which you should undoubtedly already be using given that you're using JSF 2.3).

    In code, replace

    // force renewal of HTTP session object


    // force renewal of HTTP session ID
    ((HttpServletRequest) context.getExternalContext().getRequest()).changeSessionId();

    This basically changes the JSESSIONID cookie without changing the HttpSession. It's perfect for session fixation prevention.

    Explicitly invalidating the session is usually only useful during logout.