I would like to find out if anyone in the community has used Ansible to manipulate a Microsoft SQL Server database?
We want to add a task to our environment configuration scripts written in Ansible that will INSERT
rows into a SQL Server table. The rows will have parameters that are specified in our variables files.
I have been unable to locate a specific Ansible module for achieving this so would like to hear if anyone has has success in some other way?
For completeness here is the syntax of the solution used in Ansible to SELECT & INSERT for Microsoft SQL Server:
- name: 'insert row to SQL server DB'
win_shell: "invoke-sqlcmd -username \"{{db_user}}\" -password \"{{db_pass}}\" -Query \"INSERT INTO Addresses (DoorNum,Street,Town,PostCode) VALUES ({{ item.doornum }},'{{ item.street }}','{{ item.town }}''{{ item.postcode }}')\""
- name: 'select from SQL server DB'
win_shell: "invoke-sqlcmd -username \"{{db_user}}\" -password \"{{db_pass}}\" -Query \"SELECT ID FROM Addresses WHERE PostCode = '{{ item.postcode }}'\" | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty ItemArray, Table, RowError, RowState, HasErrors | ConvertTo-Json"
register: response
- set_fact:
ids: "{{ response.stdout|from_json}}"
- debug:
var: ids