I have class Person
with my setters
and getters
like this:
Object subclass: #Person
instanceVariableName: 'name document'
classVariableName ' '
package: 'foo'
name: anObject
name:= anObject
document: anObject
document:= anObject
Then i instance my class in my TestPerson
p1:= Person name:'Alice' document:='12345'
So here i don't undestand how can i implement my getter to compare if my name is really Alice. For example in Java it Will be like this:
p1 name = 'Alice'
You really need to read a book on Smalltalk, you are missing the basics and "learning by stack overflow" does not seems to be the best way.
There is a MOOC: http://mooc.pharo.org/.
There are a lot of free books here: http://books.pharo.org
Here you have some free general books: http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr/FreeBooks.html
And here you can find more general documentation: http://pharo.org/documentation (you can watch some introductory screencasts there).