As you know, C standard library defines several standard functions calls that should be implemented by any compliant implementation e.g., Newlib, MUSL, GLIBC ...
If I am targetting Linux for example, I have to choose between glibc and MUSL, and the criteria for me is accuracy of the math library libm
. How can I compare two possible implementations of, say sin()
or cos()
for example?
A naive approach would be to test the output quality of result of both implementations on a set of randomly generated inputs with a reference one (from Matlab for example), but is there any other more reliable/formal/structured/guided way to compare/model the two? I tried to see if there is any research in this direction but I found any, so any pointers are appreciated.
Some thoughts:
, we tested one implementation exhaustively, verifying that it returned faithfully rounded results, meaning the result was the mathematical value [if representable] or one of the two adjacent values [if not]. Then, when changing implementations, we compared one to the other. If a new-implementation result was identical to the old-implementation result, it passed. Otherwise, GnuMP was used to test it. Since new implementations largely coincided with old implementations, this resulted in few invocations of GnuMP, so we were able to exhaustively test a new routine implementation in about three minutes, if I recall correctly.)