With the help of dagger and rxJava I update the list in a RecyclerView. Everything works well, the list is displayed. But the problem is that in the logs I see how this list is updated every second. What could be the problem? In a similar project but in Java everything works correctly, the list is updated once at startup. My Network Module:
@Module(includes = [ViewModelModule::class])
class NetworkModule {
companion object {
const val KEY = "key"
const val BASE_URL = "base_url"
fun provideOkHttp(): OkHttpClient {
val httpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
httpClient.addInterceptor(object : Interceptor {
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): okhttp3.Response {
val original = chain.request()
val originalHttpUrl = original.url
val url = originalHttpUrl.newBuilder()
//.addQueryParameter("apikey", KEY)
val requestBuilder = original.newBuilder()
.header("apikey", KEY)
val request = requestBuilder.build()
return chain.proceed(request)
// logging interceptor
val logging = HttpLoggingInterceptor()
logging.level = HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY
return httpClient.build()
fun provideRetrofit(): Retrofit {
return Retrofit.Builder()
fun provideContactsService(retrofit: Retrofit) : ContactsService{
return retrofit.create(ContactsService::class.java)
My ViewModel:
class ContactsViewModel @Inject constructor(private val contactsRepository: ContactsRepository) :
ViewModel() {
var mutableLiveData = MutableLiveData<List<ContactsModel>>()
private val disposable = CompositeDisposable()
fun getContactMutableLiveData(): MutableLiveData<List<ContactsModel>> {
return mutableLiveData
fun loadData() {
.subscribeWith(object : DisposableSingleObserver<List<ContactsModel>>() {
override fun onSuccess(t: List<ContactsModel>) {
getContactMutableLiveData().value = t
override fun onError(e: Throwable) {
And my Activity:
contactsViewModel.getContactMutableLiveData().observe(this@ContactListActivity, Observer {
mAdapter = ContactsAdapter(this@ContactListActivity, it as ArrayList<ContactsModel>)
recycler_contacts.layoutManager =
LinearLayoutManager(applicationContext, OrientationHelper.VERTICAL, false)
recycler_contacts.adapter = mAdapter
It was a logical error. You need to rewrite the loadData function as shown below
class ContactsViewModel @Inject constructor(private val contactsRepository: ContactsRepository) :
ViewModel() {
var mutableLiveData = MutableLiveData<List<ContactsModel>>()
private val disposable = CompositeDisposable()
fun getContactMutableLiveData(): MutableLiveData<List<ContactsModel>> {
.subscribeWith(object : DisposableSingleObserver<List<ContactsModel>>() {
override fun onSuccess(t: List<ContactsModel>) {
mutableLiveData.value = t
override fun onError(e: Throwable) {
return mutableLiveData