I know that using git rebase -i
, I could squash a commit which will meld the commit message into the immediate previous commit.
But using git rebase -i
, is it possible to squash a commit into not the previous commit but a commit even older? Lets say I want to squash a commit with a commit that is 3 commits prior to the commit being squashed. If yes, then how?
when you use git rebase -i
you are able to reorder the commit if you want to a new order.
If you e.g. do git rebase -i HEAD~5
and end with this:
pick bfddbf6 first commit
pick 74b19b1 second commit
pick 03892e7 third commit
> pick 0fdc12c fourth commit
pick 9e422a0 fifth commit
you can reorder the fifth commit as second to squash it into the first:
pick bfddbf6 first commit
> squash 0fdc12c fourth commit
pick 74b19b1 second commit
pick 03892e7 third commit
pick 9e422a0 fifth commit