I have 2 @font-face in the same css file
@font-face {
/* code for https://site.con */
@font-face {
/* code for http://site.con */
and i need load only the first @font-face when the site is https, and the only the second when the site is http.
Is it possible? with js/jquery or another method?
You can do it with javascript/jquery, solution steps:
if (location.protocol != 'https:')
//http font
} else {
//https font
$("head").prepend("<style type=\"text/css\">" +
"@font-face {\n" +
"\tfont-family: \"myFont\";\n" +
"\tsrc: local('☺'), url('myFont.otf') format('opentype');\n" +
"}\n" +
"\tp.myClass {\n" +
"\tfont-family: myFont !important;\n" +
"}\n" +