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How can I validate across properties using Google appengine ndb?

Say I have a class with two properties like so:

class Banana(ndb.Model):
    is_delicious = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=True)
    is_rotten = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)

A rotten Banana entry cannot be delicious. How can I prevent saving a delicous, rotten banana to the datastore?

I can override the __init__ method as in this answer, but this does not prevent someone updating the banana to an impossible state.

The docs show a validator option but this doesn't work across fields.

How can I validate two fields of my model against one another to prevent saving an object in an incorrect state?


  • this does not prevent someone updating the banana to an impossible state.

    Datastore provides almost zero schema enforcement on its own.

    You could open the web console for your Datastore ( select an entity and start deleting properties off of it, even if you ndb code has required=True when defining the property

    enter image description here

    In the picture I could edit the field completed to be a boolean instead of a date-time and then appengine would throw an exception everytime this entity is fetched via ndb.

    So I don't know where that leaves you. You could go the __init__ route

    You could put the check in _pre_put_hook:

    class Banana(ndb.Model):
        is_delicious = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=True)
        is_rotten = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
        def _pre_put_hook(self):
            if self.is_delicious and self.is_rotten:
                raise Exception("A rotten Banana entry cannot be delicious")

    You could have a ComputedProperty do the check:

    class Banana(ndb.Model):
        is_delicious = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=True)
        is_rotten = ndb.BooleanProperty(default=False)
        def _is_valid(self):
            if self.is_delicious and self.is_rotten:
                raise Exception("A rotten Banana entry cannot be delicious")
            return True
        is_valid = ndb.ComputedProperty(lambda self: self._is_valid())

    But all of these will only work when the db is being access by your ndb code